Interim or part-time CIO

Part-time CIO

Would you like to find an experienced IT manager in Belgium or France, without having to hire them on a full-time basis because the workload doesn't justify it?

Wavenet offers you the services of a part-time CIO, as often as you wish. Whether it's for a few hours, several days a week or a month, the CIO can put his or her experience to work for your company.

What are the main duties of a part-time CIO?

  • He/She makes suggestions and implements your company's IT strategy
  • He/Sheanalyses and improves work processes related to information management and existing tools
  • He/She manages your information system, budgets and IT contracts
  • He/She monitors your IT service providers and suppliers
  • He/She draws up specifications and selects suppliers or service providers
  • He/She monitors IT/technical teams and ongoing projects
  • He/She allows you to focus on your core business
  • ...

By working with a part-time CIO, you enjoy the services of an experienced IT manager at a lower cost - a simple, effective, flexible solution tailored to the needs of SMEs!


Interim CIO

Is your IT Director away, or are you looking to outsource implementation as part of a change process? We can provide you with an interim CIO to meet your company's specific needs.

Wavenet can help you with short-term interim assignments for all or part of the IT Director or Project Director functions (full-time or part-time depending on your needs).

How can an interim IOC help you on a short-term assignment?

  • He/She ensures service continuity while a new IT Director is found
  • He/She helps you set up your organisation or change your IT organisation
  • He/She helps you recruit the next IT director
  • he/She ensures the transfer of information between the previous IT Director and the new one
  • He/She monitors IT teams and ongoing projects
  • He/She supports the launch of IT projects pending the arrival of the next CIO
  • ...

By working with an interim IT manager, you can ensure the continuity of your company's IT management.

Created in1999
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