Project managementDEVELOPMENT CYCLE

In order to bring each project to a successfull end, Wavenet chooses one project manager within its team of engineers. This person becomes your single contact for all questions concerning your project.


Initial planning

Based on the information collected, we establish a general schedule summarizing the main stages of the project.


Through targeted customer discussions, we analyze and refine the objectives that the platform will have to fulfill in order to draft a specification and functional analysis document.

Design & architecture

According to the functional analysis, the categorization of the information is carried out in order to obtain a high-level architecture of the solution. A graphic coherence is put in place in order to obtain a structured and aesthetic solution


The solution is split into steps (modules) and then through our specialists in source code development.

Test & optimizations

Each solution is carefully tested to see if the system responds as expected, is consistent with the customer's need, and meets the entire specification and functional analysis document.

Put into production

Upon customer's agreement, the solution is put into service. Training in the use and maintenance of the environment can be organized. Detailed documentation is provided to inform about the current use of the solution.

Support & maintenance

Upon customer's agreement, the solution is put into service. Training in the use and maintenance of the environment can be organized. Detailed documentation is provided to inform about the current use of the solution.


In our time, needs are changing rapidly. All the solutions developed by Wavenet are developed to favor future evolutions. With this in mind, Wavenet offers periodic monitoring of its developments in order to anticipate the future needs of the customer.

Created in1999
180Dedicated people
355customers and you?
Wavenet est certifiée Great Place To WorkLe fonds européen de développement régional et la Wallonie investissent dans votre avenir